Deschutes Brewery 30th anniversary collaboration brew: Paul Arney – name TBD

Deschutes Brewery 30th anniversary collaboration - The Ale ApothecaryAs part of its 30th anniversary this year, Bend, Oregon’s Deschutes Brewery reached out to past brewers to collaborate on seven new beers. I’m highlighting each of these beers in a blog post each day leading up to the brewery’s anniversary on June 27.

Paul Arney (name TBD)

Description: 30th Anniversary Collaboration with Ale Apothecary (500ml bottles). Staying true to Ale Apothecary’s value of hand-made Oregon beer, Paul Arney, Ale Apothecary’s founder and former assistant brewmaster at Deschutes, and Deschutes Brewery’s Assistant Brewmaster Ryan Schmiege, used locally sourced apples from Cahoots Heirloom Apple Orchard Collaborative. Some trees from these orchards are over 100 years old. This collaboration beer was spontaneously fermented and aged in oak. Paul’s laid-back nature and love of innovation was instrumental at the Bend pub during Paul’s time at Deschutes.

Beer Geek Information:  Target of 6% ABV |  IBUs TBD
When: Not yet determined
Where: Sold exclusively at Deschutes Brewery Public Houses in Bend and Portland and Ale Apothecary’s tasting room.

Paul Arney’s influence on Deschutes and the Oregon beer landscape at large cannot be overstated. His work at The Ale Apothecary is some of the most interesting and unusual commercial brewing going right now, so I’ll be excited when this one comes out.

Brewer Quotes

Paul Arney, The Ale Apothecary

“When Deschutes approached me about this project, I didn’t hesitate. It’s obvious to me the deeper meaning with these collaborations; we have all worked together at one time or another for a common goal as Deschutes Brewery employees. This industry has undergone significant changes, as has Deschutes, and we are all fortunate to be part of that change. With some of us leaving Deschutes and wading out into the current of this industry on our own, we’re helping to advance the craft and the industry as a whole. We still have relatively common goals, but now we are quite separate from Deschutes. In some cases, we may be in competition for the same consumers. This project is a really fantastic way for Deschutes to (again) shine a light on what is truly important and how we ‘do business’. It’s like a family reunion as much as anything.”

Most of these anniversary collaboration beers will be on tap at the Brewery’s Party in the Park on Saturday, July 30 — but not this one, alas. It will be out hopefully sometime this fall.

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