Untitled Art Espresso Honey Imperial Milk Stout

Untitled Art Espresso Honey Imperial Milk Stout

Untitled Art is a brewery (beverage company?) based in Wisconsin that not only brews beer but also creates hard seltzers, CBD sparkling water, wine spritzes, and more. All of its beers are essentially limited edition one-offs; the company says:

Each month exclusive examples of the most favored beers are created in styles like IPA’s, fruited sours, and pastry stouts. All brews are crafted to excite taste buds by bringing fresh new selections each month, never to be made again.

The company embraces the “art” portion of its name, by collaborating with different artists—not only “liquid artists” as it calls its brewers, but visual and photographic artists as well. Accordingly, the labels are all (presumably) original works of art.

We’d randomly picked up a can of Espresso Honey Imperial Milk Stout based on the name alone, a pastry stout that is pretty much exactly as the name describes. It was 10.9% ABV and brewed with honey, espresso beans, and milk sugar. According to the can, the artist who created the label artwork is Stephenie Hamen.

Appearance: Black ale with a light brown head that didn’t last long. Opaque and inky.

Smell: Fragrant with honey and beeswax, sweet Turkish coffee, chocolate cream. Hints of smoke, pipe tobacco, leather. It’s sweetly herbal with floral honey. It’s really rich and appealing.

Taste: The flavor matches the name and description, with just a bit less “milk” than the other ingredients. There’s some spice here too, going in a mocha/latte coffeeshop direction (think sprinkled cinnamon or nutmeg on your latte), and the honey has a creamy, whipped character to it. Rich, sweet, thick, delicious.

Mouthfeel: Full-bodied and thick and a touch cloying in the right way.

Overall: This is decadent and really, really good.

One of the better pastry stouts I’ve had with a surprising balance while still being (conceptually) over the top. We liked it well enough that we’ve picked up cans of some of the other pastry stouts as they’ve come out—but since Espresso Honey Imperial Milk Stout was a one-off (as they all are), we won’t be seeing it again.

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