Coffee Beer Week: Oakshire Overcast Espresso Stout

Coffee Beer Week: Oakshire Overcast Espresso Stout

Oakshire Brewing Company out of Eugene, Oregon, is a young brewery making a big splash; their Overcast Espresso Stout won the silver medal in the “Coffee Flavored Beer” category at last year’s Great American Beer Festival and has been getting  high marks all around. Overcast is an Oatmeal Stout brewed … Continue reading

CDA Week: Oakshire O’Dark:30

CDA Week: Oakshire O’Dark:30

Oakshire Brewing over in Eugene (Oregon) is one of those breweries that has come out of nowhere over the past year or two and has been taking the Oregon beer scene by storm. They won the silver medal at this past year’s GABF in the coffee flavored beer category for … Continue reading