OBF Countdown: Gear and prep

OBF Countdown: Gear and prep

Getting close to the Oregon Brewers Festival this week, and I’m thinking about what to take and carry while I’m there, wandering around the park. One thing to keep in mind is hydration—that’s probably the most important thing, because not only are you (potentially) drinking a lot of beer, but … Continue reading

OBF Countdown: The beers

OBF Countdown: The beers

I’m looking over the list of participating breweries for the OBF and coming up with a list of must-tries. 73 breweries this year! And I’m sure there will be at least one or two last-minute changes or substitutions. There’s a fair number of beers I’ve already sampled, so like last … Continue reading

Oregon Brewers Festival! Who’s going?

Oregon Brewers Festival! Who’s going?

I am! The Oregon Brewers Festival starts up in just under two weeks, and I plan on being there Friday and Saturday. I’ll be taking notes, taking pictures, and my plan is to make it more of a "blogging" trip, if I can: try to be more involved with the … Continue reading

American Craft Beer Week (2007)

American Craft Beer Week (2007)

Next week is American Craft Beer Week. Celebrate the Flavor and Diversity of American Craft Beer! May 14-20, 2007 is designated as a time for all legal-drinking-age Americans to explore and celebrate the flavorful beverages produced by our small, traditional and independent brewers. Craft brewers produce flavorful beers that combine … Continue reading

OLCC is allowing minors at the OBF again

Back in January I reported on how the OLCC was banning minors and families from the Oregon Brewers Festival this year. Definitely a misstep, and cast a pall over the OBF for its 20th anniversary. Today, though, I’m happy to point to a post on the Realbeer.com Beer Therapy blog: … Continue reading

The mother of all St. Patrick’s Day events?

Yeah, it’s kind of PR-y, but this strikes me as being quite the St. Patrick’s Day celebration: The Guinness Storehouse Festival, taking place over the weekend. Three days of live music and "all the beer you can drink," the email assures me. The Guinness Storehouse® Festival kicks off on Friday … Continue reading

Super Bowl beers

Forget the "Bud Bowl" and macrobrews; let’s briefly look at beers for the Super Bowl, from another angle: from the respective cities (Chicago and Indianapolis) this year. Since most Super Bowl parties can be longish events, you might want to stick to more of the session beers rather than the … Continue reading

Beer blogging day

Stan over at Appellation Beer has come up with a nifty new idea: a beer blogging day. Food bloggers have their own cooking day once a month. Wine bloggers have Wine Blogging Wedesday. It seems that beer bloggers around the world should have something similar. So let’s start one, an … Continue reading

OLCC bans families from Oregon Brewers Festival

This year is the 20th annual Oregon Brewers Festival, a milestone year to be sure. As a special treat, the OLCC (Oregon Liquor Control Commission) has decided to ban minors from the Festival entirely. After 19 years of promoting the Oregon Brewers Festival as a community event, we regret that … Continue reading