The next Session: Beer and Food

The next Session (October 5th) is being brought to us by Captain Hops of Beer Haiku Daily: Beer and Food.

Don’t worry, I won’t make everyone write haiku or limericks or sonnets. I have chosen the theme “Beer and Food”. Mmmmmm… Beer and Food.

I am looking for posts about pairing beer with food or using beer as an ingredient in food. I hope to see recipes, pictures, tasting notes, stories, menus, reviews or anything else that fits the bill of fare. Whether you write about which beer goes best with chili dogs or give your family’s secret recipe for vegan stout stew or post pictures of those ale braised lamb shanks you had last week, I want to know every mouth watering detail.

Sounds good—already the gears are spinning, thinking of something to write about. Captain Hops also links to a bunch of books and websites to help potential Sessioners get started, which is a great idea.

Looking forward to it!