The next Session: Beer cocktails

The announcement for May’s Session (#27) is out already, and hosted by Beer at Joe’s: Beyond the Black and Tan.

Our chosen topic is…beer cocktails. Most people have had a black & tan, which is a combination of two kinds of beer and think it’s pretty tasty. Most people have heard of a Shandy, beer with lemonade or soda added, and think it’s not so tasty.

But beer cocktails go far beyond these two famous examples. Many countries have their own versions, and many new chefs and bartenders are getting creative with beer as an ingredient, not just a standalone drink.

What’s your favorite beer cocktail (and yes, despite the title of this post, it can be a black & tan or a shandy)? Find a recipe for that or a new one, try it, and tell us why you did or didn’t like it–even if you think beer cocktails are nothing but a good way to waste a beer. Have fun and try something new!

Actually, I saw the post for the next Session before I saw the wrap-up for the current Session. Now that’s fast.

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